Monday, October 13, 2008


A podcast is where electronic audio and/or video is downloaded to a user's computer or portable device like an iPod. Podcasting works by the user downloading a podcast aggregator or podcatcher. Then the user will subscribe to the podcasts that interest them. The aggregator will automatically go in download new episodes or material by the same podcaster. Then you will be able to watch and/or listen to the podcasts in which you have subscribed in your own time.

Teachers can use podcasts in many ways. They can use existing podcasts to enhance the material they are teaching. They can use podcasts for professional development. Teachers can also create their own podcasts where they give lectures or presentations that the students can download and re-watch at home. They can also use podcasts as a form of communication to parents about school, community, and district news. Some example of how teachers are using them in the schools are on teacher lets the students talk about what they have learned, and some use them to announce honors and awards. Another school lets the children do a radio podcast in the morning that is school wide.

I really didn't know what podcasting was before this assignment. I think that it is a very neat and useful way that technology is enhancing our world. I think that it would be a great way to help students learn and post assignment that the parents and students can look at at their home. The only problem I see with this is that I can't put anything on their without providing it on paper to the students because some families do not the Internet. Therefore, if I did any type to lectures, I would have to provide the children with a printed copy to have.

The URL for the podcast I choose was . I choose this podcast because my a majority of my family members are in the military. My cousin is in his 5th tour in Iraq with the Air Force Special Task Unit. I think that it is very important to support our troops and their families. One thing I enjoy doing is writing to the soldiers and my cousin and sending them goody boxes filled things that they need and things they miss. The podcast was great. It made me cry to think of all those soldiers and their families like ours. I wish that everyone would be as touched by it and do their part in supporting and thanking our troops.

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