Monday, October 13, 2008

AVL - Alabama Virtual Library

The AVL is very useful for a classroom teacher. It provides a way to show students how to research and how to use search engines. It is divided into different levels for elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and general. As a result, the information that comes from the search engine is on an understandable level for the viewer. The search engine are also classified by content such as one is an encyclopedia, one is a biography search, and other different areas. Also, on the children sections they are very colorful and students would love engaging in activities on these search engines.

I would love to use AVL in my classroom. I think that it is a very useful tool for both teaching the research process and for doing class research on a topic you are planning to study or that you are currently teaching. I wish that I could use it at my house but it is only open to residents of Alabama. You can use AVL at a school location, a library computer, or from your house if you have an Alabama issued public library card.

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